Denise Barry is the author of the children’s picture book “What Does the Tooth Fairy Do With Our Teeth?” and the soon to be released “Soap on a Rope.” She loves writing for kids because she thinks like one, and what else is there to do during the wintry months in Buffalo, NY, where she …
Tag: Book
Jun 28
Promoting? Horror? Writing? Ask Alex Laybourne!
What is Horror? Let’s forget about the dictionary definition here. I will ask you again. What is Horror? What makes us scared? What scares you the most? What is your personal horror? Let me ask you this– what would you be most terrified of? It’s a dark nightand you are walking home from work. The …
Jun 21
A Thrilling Friday Freebie!
I would like to present something special to you all. Now, you know I am always wonderful to you. Let me ask you… Have you taken the time to read the new bestseller by Ellen Mae Franklin? No? Well… Here’s a whole excerpt from “The Unseen Promise” for you to devour… Now don’t say …
Jun 19
A Letter From Tom Ufert…
Dear Friends, Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Tom Ufert. I am a 47 year old physically challenged American author surviving nearly twenty-one years with three disabilitiy–Multiple Sclerosis, an incomplete spinal fracture (C5/C6), and HIV. As the author of Adversity Builds Character, I’ve sought to inspire others and demonstrate the awesome strength of …
Jun 17
Haden To Blog Tour?
During a recent webinar, I let slip that I would be working with Michael Haden in the near future. Today, I woke up to a bunch of reader emails asking in what capacity. Now, I think it’s about time I let you all in on the secret… The secret is… Michael will be touring blogs …
May 12
The Great E-Book Mystery….
I have a question for you… It’s not a political question. I am not asking you for money. I am not asking you to share your home with me. This isn’t a fashion question– I’m not asking if legwarmers are still acceptable. I just want to know… When will The Gold Slaves be available as …
Nov 10
The Rose Amongst The Thorns– First Two Chapters
OK Folks, This is it!! Based on some awesome critiques (thank you beta readers and fans!!), we lengthened and redrafted Rose Amongst the Thorns into its final permutation. Below are the new 1st and 2nd chapters and synopsis. If you’ve already read the previously posted chapters, you’ll see some changes in Nick’s Chapter 1 but …
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