Tag: Black Rose Publishing

Northrup VS Keys: The Showdown!

Like the great American buffalo, the Chris Keys’ brand of writing is diminishing. Times were when writers would spend months, years even, hunched over the typewriter turning out a manuscript that would be as close to perfection as the human eye could make it. But now, more often than not, the scene is that more …

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The Great E-Book Mystery….

I have a question for you… It’s not a political question. I am not asking you for money. I am not asking you to share your home with me. This isn’t a fashion question– I’m not asking if legwarmers are still acceptable. I just want to know… When will The Gold Slaves be available as …

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“Talk About Books… NOT MORMONS!” J.W. Pleads!

J.W. Northrup announced that he would interview with me again– on one condition! I asked what the condition was and he told me that I couldn’t ask him about Mormons as he was sick of being asked about them. “J.W.,” I said, “would I ask you about Mormons?” “Well….” J.W. started to reply. “Okay,” I …

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