Bestselling South African writer Jacob Singer has finally released his brand new and totally FREE E-book! The Vase with the Many Coloured Marbles has been available for sometime as a paperback and as a download… BUT NOW you can get your free sample copy off Amazon for nothing. Jacob has been lauded as one of …
May 2013 archive
May 22
FREE…. FREE…. FREE…. Northrup FREE!
“J.W… You can’t give away another book….” “I sure can,” J.W. replied. He did, and it’s a stomper! For the next few days “Running a Marathon with the Runs” by J.W. Northrup is TOTALLY FREE!!! Synopsis The first signs of the diarrhea began at the six mile mark. It is feeling every marathoner dreads. …
May 21
André Araújo: Breaking the Artist’s Silence!
When George Vega asked me to profile all his major artists, I was thrilled, naturally! Andre Araujo was next on the list and as we conversed back and forth, I knew he would make an interesting interview. I think interviews with artists are probably the most fascinating projects I get to do. Andre is the …
May 18
Keys Hits The Top Ten!
The new Chris Keys release entitled “Chris’s Quotes” has hit the top ten on the free kindle chart. When asked about his success Chris released the following statement: “I have been honored with many things during my long and varied career- but I am not sure I have ever been in the Amazon top ten… …
May 14
Keys Unlock Doors: Nick Wale Meets Chris Keys
The new Keys novel has been announced and it’s going to be a killer. The novel is called One Mistake and let me tell you, it was no mistake. The only mistake Chris made was waiting so long to get this killer out there. I believe you will love this interview– Chris is an ex-politician, …
May 14
Mike Trahan Goes Wild With The Gift Part Two…
Mike Trahan announced yesterday that there may be a third book in store for his readers. The book will focus on his experiences as a Delta pilot after the Vietnam war. Mike said recently that the story would be the most fascinating of the trilogy and he can’t wait to get things written down and …
May 12
The Great E-Book Mystery….
I have a question for you… It’s not a political question. I am not asking you for money. I am not asking you to share your home with me. This isn’t a fashion question– I’m not asking if legwarmers are still acceptable. I just want to know… When will The Gold Slaves be available as …
May 11
Double Trouble! Carol Bond Meets J.W. Northrup…
Double interviews are always fun! Take my two guests for today– Carol Bond and J.W. Northrup– both are extremely successful and both have huge followings. Carol (writing as Ellen Mae Franklin) has written a winner called The Unseen Promise and J.W. wrote the winner we all know as The Gold Slaves. Now, both of these …
May 07
Nick Wale Interviews Ken Farmer and Buck Stienke… LIVE!
Ken Farmer and Buck Stienke are two of the most exciting writers around today. Their Black Eagle Force series of books have been moving quickly off shelves for monthsand their first western, The Nations, has already become a reader favourite. I have interviewed both Ken and Buck separately, but for our final interview I wanted …
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