Category: Interviews

The World Through McLendon’s Glasses: An Interview with Author Rebecca McLendon

What is a writer? An entertainer? A genius? A vessel through which ideas are expressed? I’ve often pondered on that question. I’m sure you have too. This interview is with Rebecca McLendon, who has written a new book. This book is not a clod. It’s a fantastic look at the way our modern world looks …

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Take One of Seven: A Night At The Movies With Artist Judy Mastrangelo

This wonderful new interview series with Judy Mastrangelo is all about the movies. This is a seven part series… Let’s delve in! Films have always inspired my life and my art, ever since I was young.  They fulfill needs for fantasy, excitement, etc., which can be experienced vicariously by everyone who loves to partake in …

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It Is Now… The New Groundbreaking Book From Author Rebecca McLendon

This interview is with one of the most interesting authors of 2016– Rebecca McLendon. Her new book “It Is Time” is an exciting look at the state of our world today. With fast-paced action, believable characters and a touch of the ‘divine’ it is highly advisable that you give this book a chance. You will …

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A Nation of Western Lovers: An Interview With Western Author Seth Nation… And A Very Special Free Gift!

Have you ever wanted to pick the brains of a top author? An author with a proven track record of success? An author who has managed to scale the mountain– and has been consistently at the top? This is your opportunity. This interview with Seth Nation will be revealing, entertaining, and will fire your desire …

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REBLOGGED The Wild Bunch cont: Casting Call Part 2

A Wilder Bunch?? Casting Call Part 2 / Dutch Engstrom / Ernest Borgnine The Wild Bunch 1973 Wikipedia says: “Among those considered to play Dutch Engstrom wereCharles Bronson, Jim Brown, Alex Cord, Robert Culp, Sammy Davis, Jr., Richard Jaeckel, Steve McQueen, and George Peppard. Ernest Borgnine was cast based on his performance in The Dirty Dozen (1967). Who would you …

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The Exciting Western Writing World of P.W. Burroughs

This interview is going to be interesting. Why? Because we are going to meet a guy who narrates books… and writes Westerns… How about that for a combination? It’s been done before– but nobody can deny that it takes a suitcase filled with talent to pull together than combination. This P.W. Burroughs… and you may …

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King of the Wild West Frontier: An Interview with Western Super-Seller Bruce G. Bennett

Bruce. G. Bennett is one of the most successful Western authors of 2016, so far. His Westerns have been racing up the bestseller charts. I want you to use your imagination for a few moments. Imagine for a few minutes that you are back in the Old West. A stagecoach has arrived in town, and you …

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Why Being Positive Could Be The Biggest Book Promotional Breakthrough Money Could Never Buy

As humans we find ourselves being negative more often than being positive. As a writer, it’s easier to be negative about the reception your books have garnered than to find the good. In my everyday job as a promoter of books, I have found that, at times, you are working against a wall of negativity—a …

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D.G. Wyatt Rides Into The Sunset With His Latest Western Hit

You know the younger generation loves Westerns, too. Take a guy like D.G. Wyatt who writes Westerns for a modern audience. His “Redemption Ride” has just been released— and his next one is already on the way. You can’t normally tie down a guy with such publishing energy for an interview—but we’ve managed it! Welcome D.G. Wyatt, star …

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The “Real Outlaws” Head Out On Tour: John D. Fie, Jr, Alex Cord and Cliff Roberts Together For The First Time!

This interview is an interesting one. It’s not just a single author—it’s a threesome of the biggest authors in the Western writing business. This is an occasion—and one that won’t happen too often. For the first time, we have gathered Cliff Roberts, John. D. Fie and Alex Cord together for a series of interviews.   …

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