Tag: Stuart G Yates

Stuart Yates is Back! Nick Wale Heralds the Return of Stuart Yates

This will be my third interview with Stuart Yates–a writer’s writer and a man who seems to have endless ideas for books. I was impressed with our last interview. Stuart is a writer and he writes almost every day. It matters not if he has sales, and over our conversations I have realised how wonderful …

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What Is A Writer’s Writer? Welcome Back, Stuart Yates!

Stuart Yates has returned for his second interview with me. You can find the first one here. Now, I always find time for the thoughts of Stuart Yates.  I like the way he writes and he deserves the title of “A Writer’s Writer”. What is a writer’s writer? Well, like a singer’s singer– it’s someone …

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Stuart Yates Yammers about the Wonders and Pitfalls of Publishing

Stuart Yates. I’m sure many of you will be happy to meet him through my latest interview. Stuart is a prolific writer who has had many brushes with publishers contracts. We talk about the wonders, the pitfalls and getting those all important sales from the publishing world. All of this and we still managed to …

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