A Deal With Michael Haden…

The book is called A Deal With God. The writer is called Michael Haden. Michael Haden is a successful Tampa businessman and volunteer girls Division 1 competitive soccer coach. His inspiration for this book came from the girls he’s coached. He currently coaches for FC Tampa and has coached some of the most amazing and …

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A Press Release from Bestseller Michael Haden

  Michael Haden Contact: Nick Wale  Email: Nick@nickwale.org                                                                                                             FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE       BESTSELLING WRITER TO GIVE AWAY FREE SAMPLE OF HIS FIRST BESTSELLER     Bestselling writer Michael Haden is to kick off the summer with a sample release of his first bestseller “A Deal with God.” Michael wrote the book as a …

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Say NO To Drink Driving… Take Away The Keys….

I wanted to interview Michael Haden about his work with MADD. I think it’s important for people to realise the danger of drink driving. I, myself, have always been a great believer in taking away the keys before the damage is done. Michael explains in this interview how one of his most hopeful students was …

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