When I say that Tim Northway is a fascinating person– I do not say that in jest. Tim is the epitome of interesting, conversant and intellectually aware of his own talents and limitations. “Total Amnesia” is one of his best works to date and he knows it. Not only does he know that he has a hit book on his hands– he also knows that he has a chance at making a difference to the way we think.
Q) I want to ask you to begin with to explain to our readers what makes “Total Amnesia” such a special read?
A) It is a new concept in Sci-Fi. It isn’t about aliens fighting aliens or an adventure story of interesting new worlds. These are fascinating stories, particularly when written by an excellent author.
The story does begin with an alien invasion of Earth, but its intention is to set the reader up for the BIG picture!
But Total Amnesia is talking the science in the fiction and applying it to the spirit, not just the physical universe. Its entire basis is that you ARE a spirit. So why aren’t you acting like one? Why can’t you simply fly across the universe and blow up a star?
“Oh no no no!” You say. “You can’t ‘fly’ without a spaceship you’d freeze! You can’t blow up a star, you’d get vaporized! And what if there’s a populated planet nearby. You’d kill them all! Furthermore, you can’t see without eyeballs and optic nerves or hear without Semicircular Canals and Tympanic membranes and you certainly can’t think without a brain! Right?”
In this story, flying across the universe is the most natural thing a spirit does. Agreeing with all the material constraints is the most un-natural thing you do! How did you get into this condition? That’s the adventure of Total Amnesia.
Q) Interesting concepts and ideas, Tim. What in your opinion makes a great writer?
- A great story!
- Imagination
- Hard Work.
Q) Many people say that they find writers “inspirational.” What is inspirational to you?
I’m a free spirit, non-conformist, freedom fighter. I like to come up with a concept along those lines, and create a story around that.
In Total Amnesia I started with a concept of having TOTAL freedom and then I asked myself why not? The barriers become immediately apparent:
Your brain tells you what to think, you body dictates how you feel, the environment controls your actions, you are confined to a food-craving, oxygen-burning body in an atmosphere on a planet! You can’t go anywhere without bringing along your fragile hunk of meat and caring for it.
This was my attempt to explain it all and it took me on a WILD, unexpected journey!
Q) So, a drop of rain falls from the sky—what do you think?
It’s going to rain. If I’m outside running, I think “cool, I can run in the rain!” If I’m in the mountains, I’m looking for a tree to sit under and experience the sound of the rain and the heightened forest smells and the comfortable shelter of a pine tree. If I’m going to the store it’s irritating because I might get wet between the car and store. If I’m working outside it’s a stop. A drop of rain means an impending change and depending on the circumstances, and my mood, it could be good or bad.
Q) How does a cloudy day make you feel?
Less inclined to go outside. It’s boring. It’s better than windy (I HATE windy) and worse than sunny, rainy or snowy. Does it make me feel gloomy? No I make me feel gloomy (or not) the weather is always just an excuse.
Q) What does a bar of chocolate taste like to you?
A smooth, perfect kind of sweet.
Q) How do you feel about work evaluation tests?
A) I always enjoy them.
Art, aesthetics (sorry they both poped simultaneously)
Holiday decorations
Frank Sinatra
That’s Life
Ted Cruz
Who the hell is Ted Cruz?
Dreaming is free (tune from Blondie)
Boy (let’s not get Freudian on this, please)
Q) So, Tim what makes a man happy?
A) The confidence to achieve his goals.
Q) What makes a woman happy?
Being with a man with the confidence to achieve his goals
Q) What is character?
Personal Integrity. Knowing what you know and having the courage to say what you know no matter what.
Q) What makes you Tim Northway?
I believe no matter what a person is; be it a depraved bum, a drug addict, a king, a criminal or a “normal person”; they are exactly what they have decided to be. Which means there are some very strange decisions being made out there. (Subject of my next novel?)
Q) How does it feel to be alive?
Fine. What you do with your “life” is the important thing.
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[…] Ted Cruz, Frank Sinatra, Total Amnesia and Author Tim Northway (nickwale.org) […]