Tag: Elvis Presley

Heavyweight Championship Bout: Nick Wale vs Tom Blubaugh

Writer Tom Blubaugh has done many interviews. The Internet is filled with interviews where people have asked him the same questions over and over again. I have already interviewed Tom, back when I was starting out. I’ve always wanted to re-interview him. He is one of those guys who really fascinates me… He doesn’t waste …

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Tom Blubaugh in 877 words

What can I say about Tom Blubaugh? Well he says a whole lot during this interview. I guess I can add a few things though. Tom is a man of few words– yet each word is thought out and methodical. Not a chatterbox– a thinker. Tom is one of those guys who has so much …

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Meet Terry Irving…

Terry Irving is one of those guys you can meet and instantly be drawn into. He has done it all and if he hasn’t done it then he’s read about it– from bartender to Emmy Award winning news producer. Terry gave me one of his rare interviews this week. He was happy to oblige and I was happy …

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