Do you love a good Western novel? If so, you need to hunker down with a taste of Paul Thompson. His book “Revenge of the Bullet” has been setting the Western charts alight. It takes a touch of Thompson to really make your Western party swing… let’s view the man!
Paul, it’s great to meet you!
I know you’ve written a ton of books– but what is your latest called?
“Revenge of the Bullet” is my latest release. It’s one of the best books I’ve ever written, and readers seem to be really enjoying it.
Who is your intended audience and why should they read your books?
All ages are welcome to read my books. I’ve never put age limits on reading habits. I think they should read my books if they want Westerns that entertain them. You know a lot people denounce the Western as dead—but all I ever hear from my readership is that they want more dang Westerns! I love it!
How did you come to be a writer, anyway?
I was inspired by my father and great-grandfather. They were huge influences on my decision to become a writer.
Tell us a little bit about your cover art. Who designed it? Why did you go with that particular style?
I leave that up to Outlaws Publishing. They show me the covers; if I like what they’ve come up with, I accept it. They know if I write back and say “that’s great” that it’s a go! If I don’t, I send them back to the workshop and make them work harder to get the right cover made.
Who is your favorite character from your books and why?
M D (Shorty) Thompson is by far my personal favorite. If you’ve read the stories, then you’ll know why.
How about your least favorite character? What makes them less appealing to you?
I don’t really have a least favorite. How can anyone dislike any character that they’ve created! They’re all like my children.
If you could change ONE thing about your novel, what would it be? Why?
In hindsight, and this something we are working on currently, I’d actually have my books printed in large print. I think it’s important for authors to remember that a large percentage of readers, especially Western readers, are older, and we need to make sure that our books are accessible to those wonderful folks.
What other books are similar to your own? What makes them alike?
Louis L’Amour, of course. I am proud of the fact that every location in my book is a real location. I like everything about my Westerns to ring true.
Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?
Writing Western novels is, some would say, my talent. More importantly, it’s my hobby, and it keeps me busy for hours. I can’t get enough of it.
How can we contact you or find out more about your books?
You are very welcome to check out my official website (OLDWESTNOVELS.COM). You can also email Outlaws Publishing, and don’t forget to check out Amazon. You can see my books there, read my reviews, and find out all about me.
What can we expect from you in the future?
More wonderful novels! Seriously! I will be writing more books, promoting those books, making interview appearances, releasing audiobooks and keeping busy.
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
Tell the next person what a wonderful novel you just read. Review the book on Amazon. Review it on Goodreads. Share it on your Facebook wall. Do whatever you can to spread the word that you liked the book. I’d be mighty grateful for your help!
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published?
Do your research! That’s the most important piece of advice I can give. Always do your research.
Is there anything else you’d like to say?
There’s a lot I’d like to say—but one thing that I really do want to get across to people is that the Westerns are coming back in a big way. More Westerns are sold every day, and if you have a Western in your head, rolling around… work on it and turn it into a story. Then publish it. You won’t be disappointed. Writing Westerns is fun, it’s healthy and it’s gratifying.
The exciting new Western action novel from Paul L. Thompson… This is REVENGE of the BULLET!
An exciting new Western in the style of Robert J. Thomas, Ralph Cotton, and Duane Boehm filled with action, adventure and plot twists such as A.H. Holt, Robert Vaughan, and G.P. Hutchinson! This is Western action-adventure filled with the bodies of the dead and the dying hit with an avenging bullet!
Burton and Ida Campbell stood by their wagon as four young killers rode in slinging bullets. Both their fathers were killed. Burton pushed Ida under the wagon and lay on top, protecting her. With blood dripping down the side of his head, the outlaws thought them dead.
But they survived.
When the killers left, their fathers were to be buried before they continued their trip to a ranch their fathers had purchased in the New Mexico Territory. They had no hope of ever catching the killers, but strange events prove otherwise.
While in Raton, New Mexico searching for the killers, they stopped long enough to get married. Now to finish the job they came to do. As the two of them seek revenge—the killers’ days are numbered.
So, if you like reading Brad Dennison, Dave P. Fisher, and Chet Cunningham, you’ll love “REVENGE OF THE BULLET!” Download your copy right now from Amazon!
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