One of the most interesting things about this year has been the sheer number of new faces on the scene riding their way up, up, up to the top of the Western bestseller chart. You know choosing the Westerns that will sell isn’t so easy—but when you have the right talent, the right property and the right strategy you can move yourself, your book and your sales forward and make what might have been considered once moonbeams into the plain, true reality. You can approach and strike the fancy of readers and lead them on an adventure they did not know they would take. This was what Scotty V. Casper did earlier this year. He went from being a middling author, making a few dollars per month, to becoming one of the hottest new sellers in town. Four of his Westerns have been featured inside the hallowed top one hundred, all four currently being read this very moment by readers around the globe.
I know, I know… if you ruled the world, your book would be a great success. But right now, let’s talk about how we manage to make your book a success once you’ve had it on the market and that barely read book has bounced around without finding readership. This takes a little nerve—yes—you’ve got to have some nerve and give up that willy wangling about the readership not existing (Ha ha! says the selling Western author), or readers not understanding you, or that your book has the greatest cover. No, you’ve got to put these thoughts back inside the bottle and forget about them for a moment.
Cold hard reasoning is what is going to save the day for your book. See, I believe many Western books can be sold. No, it is not some fanciful sales pitch—I have nothing to sell. It’s a matter of strategy. Let me tell you about Mr. Casper. Scotty and I worked hard to make his books a great success, but it was a formula we followed and built our combined success from. It’s a formula that makes a book palatable, enjoyable, exciting, a must purchase for a reader. A formula that drives an author to a new level of success, and I am going to write the formula below. You can take it for what it’s worth, but I’d say that Scotty is fairly happy to have four Western novels in the top one hundred—and you would, too.
The first C is Consistency. This is something all authors have to practice. Consistency in book promotion is the only way a book will move. You can’t do one, or two, or three things. You have to consistently promote your book. You have to always be doing something. Always looking to get more attention for your book, always running little ads, or trying to get more reviews. You have to be consistent on your journey towards success. This is your introduction to the brand new world of selling Westerns—the THREE C’s you can use in your own promotions.
The second C is Commitment. We all have commitments in our lives, and those commitments sometimes seem like a problem. But in reality, a commitment is just achievement in process. As an author, you have to commit to your book and commit to its success. If you don’t commit to your book, you won’t be able to be consistent (the first C), and you will find it harder to be successful. Commitment gives you the grit needed to get the job done. I ask all my clients to be committed to the promotion of their book. I ask them to answer interviewers, to write blog articles, to be involved, because unless you love your own baby, how can you expect anyone else to?
The third C is a very special one. One that this very, very talented author mentioned to me. This C stands for “cool,” and it’s true—you have to be cool to be successful. You have to keep a level head and not become depressed when your book isn’t discovered on day one. You have to be cool when you are interviewed, and cool when you are reading a bad review. You have to keep cool, and… be committed… and be consistent.
Now, if you have any questions, let me know. You can email me at Nick@nickwale.org. I would love to answer your questions about how to position your book for success. Reach, and let’s see what we can come up with. It might just be kismet. You never know.
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