Westerns have been captivating audiences around the world for a long, long time now. Western books, in particular, have been incredibly popular– and no writer has been more popular with modern Western readers than John D. Fie, Jr. Since arriving on the scene, he has scored three major hits. His books have been read wherever books are read.
How did he do it? Consistency. Consistent promotion. That’s the goal. He has never been much of a flip-flopper. His promotional schedule has stayed the same since he began. He advertises, pushes, promotes and makes himself heard. This interview with Fie is part of that consistency. Let’s meet the man with the hits…
Morning John,
Good morning, Nick!
What does it feel like to be one of the top authors in the Western genre?
It feels pretty good. It’s good to know that somebody is enjoying your story.
How do you approach promotion?
I think you have to have a balanced promotional diet. I believe that it’s important to make sure everything you do works with all the things you’ve been doing. Make sure you are touching readers every single day, and make sure people are following you. Don’t just try one thing– try many things and pull them together to make your books known.
Do you enjoy interviews?
They’re not my favorite thing to do. But I do them because they are needed. I would be happy to talk to you all day– but I’d rather be down by the lake while doing it.
Is advertising important?
Yes. Can any product be sold without advertising? I don’t think so.
Why are Westerns still so popular?
As surprised as people are at the success of Westerns, I’m really not. I’ve always enjoyed the West, and I know many others have, too. I think there’s a lot of hype when it comes to romance, erotica and horror—but the Western fanbase is just as busy buying the books they want.
What can we expect from you in the future?
A sequel to Blood on the Plains will be released soon entitled Benson’s Creek, plus another short story later on in my Wild West short story series.
Tell us a little bit about your cover art. Who designed it? Did you have your covers in mind before you saw them?
Blood on the Plains, at first, had a very bland looking cover. I had a contract with a different publisher at the time. The book wasn’t moving. Outlaws Publishing took a look at the book and the cover. It wasn’t until I signed with Outlaws Publishing that the book was pulled from the market. The cover was re-designed, and I immediately saw the difference. The book, with the new cover design, just jumped at you. I knew right then I had made a good decision going with Outlaws. They specialize in the Western genre. Luke Pressor, U.S. Marshal also had two different book covers. Several covers were designed, and we put our heads together and again came up with a colorful book cover with eye appeal.
Let’s talk about “Blood on The Plains” for a moment. Is there anything you’d change about that book?
With Blood on the Plains, I would say the ending. I left the reader with a rather short ending. I maybe should have embellished on the romance between Sally Phillips and Matt Hutchens. In Luke Pressor, U.S. Marshal, I think perhaps I should have introduced the marshal into the story earlier to add a little more excitement.
Give us an interesting, fun fact or a few about your book or series.
I like to use small, quick one-liners in my stories to add a little comedy. Also to have a few characters that are somehow different from the others.
What other books are similar to your own? What makes them alike?
I honestly can’t think of any. I try to be different than other authors. There is one complaint that I hear all the time about Western books—that they’re all the same. I try hard to be different.
How can we contact you or find out more about your books?
You can go to my Amazon author page (amazon.com/author/johnfie or go to Outlawspublishing.com). Visit my blog on the Cowboy Campfire at Outlaws Publishing or email my publicist at Nick@nickwale.org.
What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?
The best thing a reader can do for an author is to leave a review. Tell others about your experience. Let the author know about your experience with the story.
Do you have any tips for readers or advice for other writers trying to get published?
For new writers, make sure you get an editor. You can’t edit the book enough. When you’re ready to publish, look around and choose wisely, then stand by for the reviews.
What do you think is the key to success?
Good writing, good promotion and making sure you surround yourself with those who will help you, rather than hinder you. A good publisher, publicist, and editor will make you as an author. A poor publisher, publicist, or editor will break you. I need say no more. Invest in yourself, your product and hire a good publicist.
Why don’t you give the latest John D. Fie, Jr. novel a chance? “Incident at Benson’s Creek” is currently available on Amazon. You can also find out more about John D. Fie, Jr. by visiting his official website.
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