I wrote this article at the behest of Nick Wale as a follow-up to last month’s (September 2013) exceptional first full edition of Novel Reads, the new blockbuster e-magazine that is taking the publishing industry by storm. I ask readers to forgive my abruptness; it is not intended to be rude but plainly speaking, …
November 2013 archive
Nov 15
Come Sundown: Bruce Bennett Becomes THE #1 Author
Bruce Bennett is sitting at #1 as we speak. A highly-decorated author with a huge hit thriller on his hands. What makes him one of the few indie authors to have a hit book? What advice can he give to budding writers? Where will the craze for “Digital Air” end? As we speak “Digital Air” …
Nov 15
Lester Van Huss and A Shattered Innocence
Lester Van Huss. A name you will soon enjoy on a regular basis. A writer, a creator and a man who knows that he has something to share with you all. I wanted to interview Lester and allow you all to meet him. Join us for a journey that will be remembered for a long, …
Nov 14
Ted Cruz, Frank Sinatra, Total Amnesia and Author Tim Northway
When I say that Tim Northway is a fascinating person– I do not say that in jest. Tim is the epitome of interesting, conversant and intellectually aware of his own talents and limitations. “Total Amnesia” is one of his best works to date and he knows it. Not only does he know that he has …
Nov 12
Nick Wale Interviews Foal…
Foal, having strong feelings about keeping the focus on the messages rather than the messenger, would rather keep his privacy. Nevertheless, he will be happy to interact via email with any person interested. You can reach Foal here. Foal and the Angels is about a journey to understand the great wisdom hidden behind life. Through a series …
Nov 11
Yveta Germano And Why Crypts Made Her A Writer…
Yveta Germano is one of the most exciting teen authors around at the moment. Her book “Bring Me Back” has been exciting young readers the world over, As a lover of history, Yveta spent her early years travelling and catching ancient crypts and medieval buildings. This encouraged her in her efforts as a writer, and …
Nov 10
Tim Northway And The Alien Invasion
Tim Northway is one of the most exciting new writers to come out of the science-fiction genre for sometime. He’s the kinda guy who sits gazing at the skies and wonders what’s up there or looks down at the ground and wonders what’s deep underneath the Earth. Tim is one of the most creative members …
Nov 10
Denise Barry And What The Tooth Fairy Does With All Those Teeth!
Denise Barry is one of the most exciting children’s authors of the moment! Her book “What Does The Tooth Fairy Do With Our Teeth?” has been a huge hit with young readers all over the world. She also has the distinction of being one of the few independent authors with the clout to move paperbacks. …
Nov 06
The Spice of Life: MJ Summers
I want to introduce a brand new writer to you today, guys. Her name is MJ Summers and she has one of the most interesting books of the year so far. “Break In Two” tells the story of thirty-one year old Claire Hatley who is running from Seattle having just discovered that her live-in boyfriend …
Nov 05
Thriller Nights: A Conversation With Bruce Bennett
Bruce Bennett, a writer, has just shot to the top of the Amazon listings for the first time. He is a writer with a huge hit and he doesn’t really know how it happened. As one of the newest members of the Novel Ideas family he has taken a very long journey and it …
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