We Have Entered a New Era of Book Promotion



I wrote last week to tell you about the devastating effect the traditional publishing industry has had on the good people of the book world–the writers. I now want to tell you about one hope we have of escaping their iron grasp. I created an e-zine and gave it away for free. It has moved great numbers and hit number one.  We the People have shown that we will read independent books by independent authors, and ever since the release of the magazine we have been buying these books in larger quantities. Novel Reads by Novel Ideas (free on Amazon through this Thursday) has proven that the world is hungry for new talent and new ideas. The traditional publishing industry would have you believe that independent authors are somehow lesser, somehow not as talented; and yet, I have seen hundreds of writers as talented as those picked up by publishers, but they are for the most part ignored, forgotten, passed-over, left to languish on the sidelines.

What do we have to do to become a known author? We have to forget about the stale, old and broken author’s dream, and we have to then create a brand new dream. Perhaps a brand new world?

This new author’s world will give all authors the chance to reach the top. We will have to work hard, but haven’t we always? We the People have always striven for the best; and only when told we can’t have it, have we roared that we can. This new publishing world will depend on out-of-the-box ideas such as e-zines and free giveaways. This new author’s world will also encourage rivals to the big publishing companies. It will create opportunities for new bookselling websites and brand new bestselling authors will emerge all over the world.

I have a dream…

A dream that one day independent authors will be taken as serious alternate choices and accepted as writers without the arbitrary stamp from the “evil empire” of publishers weighing them down. A dream that as an independent author, your book will sit on a bookshelf next door to the latest traditional bestseller. A dream that one day that the traditional bestseller will sit at number two as your book heads the bestseller lists. I dream of the day when there will be no way to tell the difference between the books of independent and traditional authors. Each will be made the same size, shape and printed on the same quality paper. There will be no more bullying by the traditional publishers to make the self-published author’s book stand out as a self-published book. Have you ever wondered why your CreateSpace paperback is bigger? The traditional publisher exercises its muscle on the printer to make your book bigger and lessen its appeal. You aren’t allowed to share their space or their customers.

To hell with that. We the People deserve every opportunity, and this e-magazine is the keystone. As a PR, I will work outside of their rules; I will be new, different, and I expect to see the birth of a world I dream of. I expect my dream to blossom and grow until it becomes the norm. That’s when we will know that we have created equality in the book world.

I would like to hear from you if you would like to feature in the next issue of “Novel Reads By Novel Ideas.” This is a magazine for all who love the joy of books. Email me at Nick@nickwale.org.


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  1. A great article.

  2. You couldn’t tell my paperbacks from trad-published ones. I make sure they fit right in. Because I have trad-training in magazine, newspaper, and book publishing, and because I worked with publishers until the middle of 2012, it’s not hard for me to come up with a professional product. Createspace offers a number of trim sizes – I choose the one that fits in with most of the paperbacks I already have at home. Interior design? Layout? Yup – all indistinguishable from any other paperback you might pick up. Observation and imitation is easy. Even if you don’t have typesetting, design, or editing experience like I do, you can farm those jobs out to experienced experts and still produce books to be proud of. Click on my name and have a look at all my books – all my own work. It’s hard work, but worth it.

  3. Great article. I’ve aimed to make my two books professional, but I’m still feeling the stigma of being an indie author. I hope I can continue to establish myself in the market. It’s going to be a long hard slog, but I’m in it for the long haul. Third book is well underway. I’ve shared this article on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks for posting it.

  4. Great post! I’ll email you about being featured in your next issue. 🙂

  5. I’m not self published, my five books are published by four different small publishers. I have the same difficulty getting exposure as the self published authors. I work non stop at marketing and hardly have time to write.

  6. Another informative article, Nick.

  7. Great article. I am myself a new self publishing author. I know there are ways to trim books to fit, however who is available to teach us. The true fact is, we will pay money one way or the other. Nothing comes for free without hard work or paying out mucho bucks. This article hits the nail on the head. No matter who you are or the past experience you have had, the real fact is finding the niche or having enough good fortune for something to fall in your lap. This is not to say hard work does not pay off. We all work hard and I appreciate the fact someone has stood up and stands for those who seem to be passed over for one reason or the other. Thanks for the article.

  1. […] Friends, I wrote last week to tell you about the devastating effect the traditional publishing industry has had on the good people of the book world–the writers. I now want to tell you about one h…  […]

  2. […] We Have Entered a New Era of Book Promotion | Novel Ideas. […]

  3. […] We Have Entered a New Era of Book Promotion | Novel Ideas […]

  4. […] We Have Entered a New Era of Book Promotion (nickwale.org) […]