Brainography? Tom Ufert Investigates J.W. Northrup’s Brain

Tom at DeskJ.W. Northrup asked me the other day, “Can you get me an interview with Tom Ufert?”

“J.W., I’m not sure we can fit that interview into your schedule.”

“Get me an interview with Tom Ufert,” J.W. reasserted. “I want to meet him.”

It was a done deal. Tom Ufert, author, disabled wonder and all around wonderful guy came to meet the literary powerhouse we call “J.W. Salesrup” at the Novel Ideas office.

It was a warm day as both authors sat down to be interviewed. J.W., carrying his Utah tan and Tom Ufert, lighting a cigarette… We were ready to start…


Nick:  So, J.W., your new book will be about Brainography. What’s the deal?

J.W: Brainography is the salvation of mankind. It is the great hope of man! It is just science applied to Evolution and the Brain.

Tom: I like that! However, I am still curious, what is it actually about?

J.W: As we all know, the brain is the cause of thinking. It is the calculator. If the calculator has a bad circuit, it will give wrong answers in the form of neuroses, psychoses. Brainography will address these “Mutant Circuits” and bypass them!

Nick: Tom, let me ask you, would you give Brainography a go? Do you think you personally would benefit from it?

Tom: Well, now that’s a novel approach. Does it occur over time? Sounds right up my alley! I like things that make me think and especially ones that challenge the status quo.

Nick: J.W., let me ask you something different here. Do you channel Brainography? Do you use it in your everyday life?

J.W: Channelling is not an appropriate term. You have got to go in and fix your unwanted thinking. That is done by applying the procedure in the “therapy” section. The only problem is mutant brains’ natural resistance to Evolution’s natural selection process. Our society is so “Help the Needy” oriented, and this is a brain mutation! Brainography would handle that.

Tom: Who are the needy?

J.W: Literally, if you get the mutated brain circuits handled, the brain will not be needy in the first place, and we all can create a world of healthy, happy people.

Nick: Tom, do you think J.W. has hit upon something different here? Something special?

Tom: Well, my adopted family taught me to be self-reliant. It’s important to teach a person to fish rather than give him a fish. That was the kind of thinking I grew up with. I definitely think he’s hit on something. It’s true that we have mutant brain patterns that society is unprepared to deal with. It’s all too common to hear the words “lock them away.” However, if we addressed these issues in their early developing stages, this would all become a moot point.

Nick: J.W., I would like to ask you if you work is aimed at the young? The old? Who will benefit from your work?

J.W: Both. Of course the old have more mutated circuits turned on than the young. But all one needs to do is follow the Brainography Manual step by step and it will help people overcome the mutations. There’s a list of over 100. “I’m always right disease.” “All men are dumb disease.” “Low Pants Disease.” “Obama disease.” The list goldslavesgoes on and on.

Tom: It sounds like a list of excuses rather than diseases. I know I’m afflicted with the disease called “do I have the time?” I also have “will I have the stamina for all of this?” In the end, I just need to face my challenges, adapt to the circumstances, and act accordingly. That’s how I handle it.

Nick: Tom raised an interesting point there, J.W. Do you believe that many of these “diseases” are just regular excuses?

J.W: According to Brainography, they are “wrong answers” given by the brain. You could label them excuses. Essentially, the brain is computing incorrectly, and that becomes your reality. Brainography will directly address those “excuses” and remove them. Then one can proceed unencumbered by those considerations.

Nick: Interesting. What do you make of that, Tom?

Tom: I like that.

Nick: Tom, let me ask you something, do you believe that excuses are the biggest cause of problems in the world?

Tom: Yes and no. Yes, people far too quickly throw out excuses for their lack of addressing what needs to be done. No, because we’ve allowed our mental acuity to slip so far. We just don’t like our comfort zones to be challenged, and that makes us mentally lazy. That’s why I like chess. It’s a game that challenges one to think five or six moves in advance and plan for each eventuality.

J.W: I would like to add that Tom is correct. Excuses hide confrontation, essential confrontation that must take place in order for change to occur. We tend to hide problems.

Nick: J.W., do you believe that confrontational episodes are important?

J.W: No, not confrontation in a negative sense, but confrontation as defined as one’s ability to face what is there.

Nick: Tom, this leads me to ask one question of you. What is the hardest thing you have ever had to face?

Tom: Can I just add that I think it forces you to deal with things rather than stick your head in the sand. The hardest thing I ever had to face were the things I had no control over. For example, my diseases, my mom’s death and struggles with my mobility. But once you accept those issues as beyond your control, deal with your own conceptualization of them, you can then move on. It’s like the prayer you’re taught in AA–there is nothing the human spirit cannot overcome except the unknown. Reach out, touch it, learn all you can about it, overcome and adapt to it. Then you have to move on to the next challenge. You just have to get off your butt and make things happen.

Pick up your copy of J.W. Northrup’s latest offering to the Gold Gods right here! If you want to know more about Tom Ufert, you may enjoy his autobiography “Adversity Builds Character.”  Look for Brainography to be released toward the end of 2013.

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