Cliff Roberts Contact: Nick Wale Email: Nick@nickwale,org FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE NOVEL IDEAS SIGNS PROMISING NEW AUTHOR FOR TEN BOOK DEAL At 12.13 EST Cliff Roberts signed a contract to become the latest addition to the Novel Ideas family. The multi-book deal is said to begin with the release of the much anticipated first Roberts novel, …
June 2013 archive
Jun 14
When Two Worlds Collide: Tommy Clark and Ellen Mae Franklin Interviewed!
Tommy Clark and Ellen Mae Franklin are both highly regarded fantasy writers. It has been said that the fantasy genre is overcrowded with newbie writers who want their wild imaginations to become the next bestseller. I think it would be fair to say that Tommy and Ellen have both managed to create wonderful books. …
Jun 13
Brainwashing? J.W. Northrup And Terry Irving Showdown
J.W. Northrup and Terry Irving are writers. They feed on the food of writers. The words they can create, compound and put together take them to new places. I wanted to interview these two writers about J.W’s bestselling book “The Gold Slaves”. The Gold Slaves are enslaved humans who have been trapped underground with …
Jun 10
Bestselling Author Jack Singer Won’t Be Returning to South Africa
For a writer who built his literary career on the history of South Africa, it is something he is rarely asked about. I was talking to Jack socially one night, I wanted to ask him about his life growing up in one of the most volatile countries in the world. I asked him point blank: …
Jun 10
“It Isn’t Just About Me,” Explains Bestselling Author Mike Trahan
Mike Trahan only gets excited when something really exciting happens. That Sunday night when he messaged me directly, excitedly asking if I was around, told me that it was something big…. It was a review. Not just ANY review… A REAL REVIEW! It was one of those reviews that tells you your work is making …
Jun 08
Worldwide Live Broadcast for Tackitt!
Lloyd Tackitt Contact: Nick Wale Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lloyd Tackitt book tour to include first worldwide live interview The latest Lloyd Tackitt book tour is to commence later this month with a kick-off appearance on the Novel Ideas website. The tour will then travel to several different blogs before culminating with Mr Tackitt‘s …
Jun 08
A Portrait In Success by Mike Trahan
I was reading an interview Mike undertook with another blog. His words were so powerfuland I wanted to share them with you all. I think we all have a lot to learn from an experienced member of the community like Mike. If you haven’t read it yet, you need to read his book The Gift. …
Jun 07
A Deal With Michael Haden…
The book is called A Deal With God. The writer is called Michael Haden. Michael Haden is a successful Tampa businessman and volunteer girls Division 1 competitive soccer coach. His inspiration for this book came from the girls he’s coached. He currently coaches for FC Tampa and has coached some of the most amazing and …
Jun 06
Beneath The Beard: Terry Irving Speaks Openly to Nick Wale…
His name is Terry Irving…. He has won four Emmy Awards… He has worked for some of the great names in TV history… He has written several books including the top ten bestseller “Full Circle”… His name is Terry Irving, and as he stands, he knows that he has achieved more in one life …
Jun 05
Northrup VS Keys: The Showdown!
Like the great American buffalo, the Chris Keys’ brand of writing is diminishing. Times were when writers would spend months, years even, hunched over the typewriter turning out a manuscript that would be as close to perfection as the human eye could make it. But now, more often than not, the scene is that more …
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