I caught busy J.W. Northrup for a few minutes to delve into his mind for this interview about his new book. It’s hard to pin a man like J.W down, but I managed to and we spent a good few minutes talking about his upcoming release The Gold Slaves. I am not really used to speed interviews, but we started and I soon put the busy writer at ease and got some answers for you guys. What do I think of J.W.? I think watch out world…
You just start attempting to reason this, this divine plan, out and the classic justification comes out: ‘It is not for man to know.’ I say it is absolutely imperative that man knows exactly why he is here and what his purpose is.- Excerpt from The Gold Slaves.
Q) Hi J.W., how does it feel to be finally publishing your first book?
A) Well, it has been my goal for many years and it’s great to finally arrive. It is a validation of my work and an encouragement to continue doing what I love to do.
Q) How did you enjoy the process of writing The Gold Slaves?
A) It started with a very simple idea – the idea of stepping out of darkness into a new inconceivable reality. Then I had to create an interesting story around it. The process of creating the story and adding appealing characters to it was very enjoyable.

“I made a name for myself”
Q) What influences your writing? Do you find it easy to create fiction?
A) They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but a writer makes you want to read a thousand words and create your own pictures. Good fiction results in creativity – by the author and the reader alike.
Fiction is easy for me because I like to be free to tell a good story rather than being restricted into regurgitating banal facts exhaustively researched. You can be very accurate and meticulous when describing how to install a light switch or you can create a hilarious story about the “shocking” trials and tribulations of installing light switches. I prefer the latter.
Q) How many books do you have planned?
A) I have two sequels planned for the The Gold Slaves because the story literally begs for them. I have completed a mind blowing science fiction novel that I am very excited about.
In the non-fiction area, I have written dozens of hilarious self-debasing short stories about my experiences. Finally, I have a very personal heartfelt novel in the works entitled Fishing with My Father. As a writer, I see no end, nor do I desire an end, to my storytelling.

Jim looks rather serious as he gets used to life as a writer
Q) Did you manage any writing today?
A) Yes, I did! I wrote a hilarious short story.
Q) A short story collection on the way perhaps?
A) Yes, I have a collection of very humorous short stories. This particular story is entitled Throwing Rocks at Deer and describes my contemptible habit of throwing rocks at deer on my trail runs in the mountains, and how one fateful day, a buck got his revenge.
Q) Why writing? What is it about writing that excites you?
A) Communication! The opportunity to communicate broadly! Sure, we all communicate all day long, but writing allows you to really “think about it” and choose your words wisely and creatively.
Also, I never liked “talking” to others unless they actually wanted to listen. If someone picks up a book, they are automatically receptive.
Communication is two-way. What excites me? Nothing makes me happier then writing a story and hearing that it had some kind of positive impact upon another. That is what any artist wants.
Finally, the creative process is very exciting. Coming up with a real interesting characters and plots and finding a way to portray them is fun! It energizes me and makes my fingers really dance on the keyboard as the hours fly by.
Our time was up… BUT I will find a way to get J.W. back on Novel Ideas, I promise! Watch for upcoming notifications about the release of The Gold Slaves.
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I just finished reading the book Fishing With My Father, by Jim Northrup. I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed it. It was so beautifully written and very touching. I am a fan now and will continue to read books from this amazing author, J. W. Northrup. Thanks, Jim!!
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