The first multi-author DSP virtual signing went ahead last night to great success. Six of the finest authors in the #western genre worked together to present a brand new six story project, and a very lively Q&A session. Thank you to Peter Alan Turner, C. Wayne Winkle, Charles Ray, William H. Joiner, Jr., GP Hutchinson, and David Watts for participating and making this event success. Special thanks must go to Kaitlyn Ferraro for putting together such a strong event, along with Emily Engwall.
Nov 11
Six Of The Greatest Western Forces Combine To Write “Hunt Of The Mountain Man”

Dear Friends,
As November becomes a swingin’ new month, we thought you would be interested to hear about one of our special releases. A brand new full-length collection of Mountain Man adventures from six of the finest selling authors in our genre. C. Wayne Winkle, GP Hutchinson, Charles Ray, Peter Alan Turner, William H. Joiner, Jr. and David Watts have combined their time, talent and readerships to present this collection that will surely please readers around the world.
Soon to be available as a paperback and hardback, this attractive new collection has already been released on Kindle. If you enjoy Mountain Man adventures written by the finest of today, you’ll want to grab this keenly awaited collection.
What’s This One About?
Mountain man. The very term evokes images of larger-than-life characters who followed in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark, blazing lonely trails through the unexplored wilderness of the great American West—courageous, resourceful, buckskin-clad pathfinders, hunters, trappers, and traders who lived off the land and made friends with Native Americans, French-Canadian Métis, Mexican settlers, and fellow Americans alike. They faced and often overcame the perils of the unforgiving Mountain West, including its vast distances, daunting high country, and dangerous wildlife. Lingering into the eras of the Oregon Trail, the Civil War, Indian Wars, and even into the early twentieth century, mountain men served as scouts, guides, ambassadors, traders, wildlife managers, and custodians of America’s first national parks.
Gripping tales of the daring exploits of mountain men abound from their own day, and new yarns remain to be spun.
In Hunt of the Mountain Man, the reader is in for a real treat. Six bestselling Western authors have collaborated to bring you six riveting new fictional accounts of the legendary men of the mountains. Each author has placed a character from his own Western series in a brand new captivating story that features the men of America’s untamed high country and their heart-stopping adventures and trials.
Visit the high country of America’s great nineteenth century heroes today. Grab your copy of Hunt of The Mountain Man, and settle in for hours of top-quality entertainment and reading pleasure.
Where Can I Grab A Copy?
“Hunt Of The Mountain Man” is now available on Amazon.
Nov 08
Share A Memory With A Great Western Author: The Last Interview With C. Emerson Law!
This interview is being posted in memory of one of a crop of popular Western authors that popped up over the last few years. C. Emerson Law was both a loyal friend and client, and he loved the Western genre. This is the last interview with Emerson—and one that I believe you will enjoy reading. Enjoy words of wisdom from one of those writers that readers love to read.

C. Emerson Law was conceived on a 160-acre Alaska homestead that his dad was able to get under a special program afforded for World War Two veterans. Life was not easy in Alaska in those days. His dad’s dream of having a big cattle ranch did not happen due to hungry grizzly bears and the almost impossible task of keeping the cattle safe. His dad decided not to put his wife through another pregnancy in such primitive circumstances. They moved to Denver, Colorado just before Emerson was born. They were living in a home that was a converted chicken coop at the time, being unable to find anything better before the birth of their fifth child, Emerson.
Ten months later, they moved to a little town near Durango, Colorado where they had a run-down house on two acres. There was no indoor plumbing, so Emerson grew up using an outhouse, splitting kindling, hauling buckets of coal into the house for heat and cooking, and pumping water from the outside well and carrying the buckets inside. He also had to take turns emptying “the thunder mug” (otherwise known as the chamber pot) outside in the mornings, and they all took baths in a metal tub with water heated on the wood/coal cookstove.
He grew up poor, but never realized that he was poor because there was always fresh meat and garden-grown vegetables and fruit on the table. He learned the value of hard work since everyone had to pitch in, taking care of the garden, fruit trees, livestock, and irrigating the pasture. There was always love and happiness in their home, no matter what the financial situation was, and there was always time to ride the neighbor’s horses, usually bareback, and explore the woods nearby. They had a Welsh Pony for a while. It was an ornery and lazy little stink that didn’t like to be ridden. It would buck you off without a moment’s notice!
He is a Vietnam era Marine Corps veteran and has worked as an aircraft mechanic, dairy farmer, rural letter carrier, Halliburton oilfield worker, and jack of all trades for a natural gas company. He finally retired and decided to try his hand at writing classic Western fiction, inspired by his grandfather who wrote his life’s story when he was 85 years old.
He has been divorced twice and has three grown sons and one grandson. He currently lives contentedly alone in Nevada on two acres of ground where he enjoys using his tractor and planting things that would never grow in Alaska. He also loves his hobby of gold prospecting in the Nevada hills.
Thank you for agreeing to this interview Dennis, let us start with asking this.
When did you realize you wanted to be an author?
1992, that’s when I wrote my first book. I never did anything with it. I had a hard copy of it, so I went ahead and edited it and sent it to Nick. When I retired, I got bored in the winter, so I went to do it. Cherokee Parks gave me his email, so I sent the rest of the book to him, and it happened.
How do you feel about signing with DSP for a contract?
I was excited about it; I didn’t do anything to celebrate.
How long did it take you to come up with an idea for your first novel?
Not very long at all. I love history and an actual figure, a bounty hunter, in Western history. He was a bounty hunter.
What advice would you give for new authors?
Don’t be afraid to write. What I do is I sit down and start writing. I let it flow and edit it later. When my grandpa wrote his story, it was on a typewriter. To be successful, you need a good time to publish and promote it. I recommend getting a good publicist. I never have writer’s block. I told someone to sit down and write, no matter what. Whatever comes out, you can work with. Once you open up, it comes out.
What does a typical day when you are writing look like for you?
I would like to travel more but it’s restricted right now. My book is 3/4 finished because I’m not familiar with the area. It’s set in southern Arizona. I would like to go there. Typically, I research on the same computer I write with. I’ve lived in a lot of the areas I write about. I’m a big fan of photography and researching. You have to be historically accurate, even when writing fiction.
Is there anyone who influenced your writing style?
Louis L’Amour. His down-to-earth way of explaining things; he doesn’t over explain. He brings life experiences into his books. My dad lived everywhere. I got to get along with all types of people and factor that into the writing.
Which character would you say you are most similar to?
Cody Jenkins or Badger. Badger was a marine, so they are the most I’m similar to. Cody wanted to live alone and enjoy his life.
If you could choose any author to co-write with, who would you choose and why?
Louis L’Amour. I would just like to sit down and have a beer with him. He was a sailor; his whole life was amazing. He went out with soldiers on the front line. Cherokee Parks met him; he’s a good guy. He helped me get my start and introduced me to Nick.
Where did the idea come from for your latest series?
Nick said that mountain men novels are popular right now. I’m familiar with the Rockies because I grew up around there. I just started writing about that area. Most of what comes out of my brain, I leave in there.
How would you approach it differently if you were to repeat it today?
I started writing my latest series in first person instead of third. Why didn’t I do this in the first place? People want me to spend more time with character development with my books, so I try to improve.
What got you interested in writing Westerns?
I was raised by an old cowboy. My dad and mom both rode horses and the love Louis L’Amour.
What do you think makes for the perfect Western?
Louis L’Amour. There’s very little profanity, no graphic violence. If you’re a good writer, you don’t have to do that. I think of my nieces and nephews—I want to keep my novels tame but have plenty of action and romance. Things that cater to the audience. I include more animals like horses and dogs. I grew up on farms, so I grew up around animals.
What do you have planned for the future if you could write anything?
I bat around romance novels and the ideas. A romantic comedy. I like comedies. The more you take life seriously, the more miserable you will be.
These were excellent answers, Dennis. Thank you for taking time out of your day to do this with me. I appreciate it very much.
Oct 20
“Kincaid: Tall Rider” Strikes At The Heart Of The Readership For G.P. Hutchinson!

There are few definitive outcomes in life, but one of the things we have come to expect is great Westerns from authors who understand the genre implicitly. The third book in this tremendous series from G.P. Hutchinson is one of those Westerns even the most indifferent Western reader in the world will want to grab, read, and read again. Carefully crafted, beautifully written and one of his finest works—you won’t want to give this one a miss. Just take my word for it—grab your copy and learn for yourself.
What’s “Kincaid: Tall Rider” About?
Kincaid’s chance meeting of a quirky saloon matron lands him square in the middle of a cross-town conflict where an abundance of unchecked lies proves as lethal as flying lead.
After having helped his sister out of a dreadful life-and-death situation in a remote and forlorn territory, Kincaid aims to return to Wharton Grove to clear himself of charges of attempted bank robbery. When he disembarks at the nearest railroad station to his destination, however, Henrietta “Hettie” Harbaugh, an eccentric saloon-owning grande dame, mistakes him for the tall rider she has hired, sight unseen, to protect her interests against a ruthless rival, Luther P. Salmon.
Kincaid quickly learns that, peculiar though she may be, Hettie Harbaugh is as likeable and principled a businesswoman as Luther Salmon is amoral, deceitful, and downright dangerous. Finding that Hettie truly is down to her last options, Kincaid decides to stay on and—against all odds—help her keep what’s rightfully hers. What he discovers in the process is that Hettie is by no means the only one in desperate need of help in a town where lies and accusations seem to protect the powerful, while the suffering of deceived citizens is pitilessly silenced.
Where can “Kincaid: Tall Rider?” be purchased?
You can order your copy today as a Kindle book by visiting Amazon!
Oct 14
DS Productions to Host a Multi-Author Virtual Signing Event

October 13, 2021 – DS Productions (DSP) – the home of some of the biggest selling Western authors in the genre – is excited to announce that they will be hosting a multi-author virtual signing event, Best Sellers Live! The event will be a historic first for the Western genre and a revolutionary step forward for Western authors, readers, and publishers.
About the Event:
Six best-selling Western fiction authors have teamed up with DSP to put together The Signature Classic Collector’s Edition: Hunt of the Mountain Man. Each author has contributed a short story featuring the popular heroes from their Western novels. Each book purchased for the event will be signed by all six of the authors.
The virtual signing will take place on Thursday, November 18th at 9:00pm Eastern Time via Zoom. Everyone who purchases a book for the event or wishes to attend the event will receive a Zoom link to join. The authors participating in this highly anticipated event are none other than C. Wayne Winkle, G.P. Hutchinson, William Joiner, Charles Ray, Peter Turner, and David Watts.
You can visit the webpage for the event to purchase your book and for more information:
About the Authors:
C. Wayne Winkle
C. Wayne Winkle is an Amazon best-selling author of Westerns that depict the heroism and dangers inherent in the American West of the 19th century. He was a board-certified family psychologist with over 40 years’ experience prior to retirement. His intent in his writing is to bring back the history (good, bad, and indifferent) of the American frontier. He is married to the same wonderful woman for 50 years. She has been, and continues to be, his anchor in this wild and wacky world. Their six grandchildren keep both of them busy when he isn’t writing. His Christianity forms the basis of his life, even though he falls short of its ideal on a daily basis. His motto? ‘I can’t not write!’
G.P. Hutchinson
A resident of Texas for a number of years, Hutchinson’s visits throughout the West have only served to deepen his enthusiasm for the region and his appreciation of its people, history, and folklore. He’s currently a resident of upstate South Carolina, along with his lovely wife, Carolyn. Besides writing, Hutchinson enjoys forays into the mountains, horseback riding, and exploring the history of America’s national pastime, baseball.
Peter Alan Turner
Maybe it’s because Peter Alan Turner lives on Rattlesnake Ridge. Or perhaps it’s because he grew up watching television Westerns that he was drawn to writing about the Old West. As a former history teacher, Peter strives to be authentic, create likable characters, and tell a good story. With more than a dozen books and a four-plus star rating on Amazon, he must be doing something right.
Peter lives with his wife of fifty-three years and their cat Moxie in Western Maryland. Peter is lucky that his children, grandchildren, and great-grandson all live close by. When he’s not writing, Peter enjoys woodcarving, fishing, and pampering his classic Jaguar. Mr. Turner donates a portion of the profits from his books to Veteran’s charities.
Charles Ray
Charles Ray is a man reborn. After 20 years in the US Army and 30 years as a diplomat, he has reinvented himself as an author. He has been writing since his teens, but really got into it in 2008 as he was approaching the end of a half-century government career. Ray writes in a variety of genres, both fiction and nonfiction, but in a further reinvention, this Texas native who now calls Maryland home, is currently best known for his tales of the western frontier. He writes stories that are historically accurate and reflect the diversity of the Wild West, but never lets history interfere with telling a compelling story.
David Watts
David Watts grew up in Texas and participated actively in farming and ranching. As a teen, he watched cowboy movies every Saturday at the Ritz Theatre. He has published nine very successful Westerns, drawing upon his range of personal experience and is currently working on a chapter-challenge collaboration with William Vlach. Previously, he worked in poetry, short stories, mysteries, Christmas memoir and radio commentary. He is an accomplished musician and composer and a retired television and radio host. His professional life is in medical health care.
William H. Joiner Jr.
Other than summer jobs as a teenager, Bill has always been in business for himself. He has owned businesses that included: residential and commercial construction; brokering and trading commodities; owning and operating multiple insurance agencies; horse breeding, syndicating, training and racing; dog breeding and field trialing; owning and operating multiple gyms; owning and operating oil wells; brokering, researching title and consulting (regarding the buying and selling of oil and gas properties); as well as brokering and facilitating international fuel purchases.
He finally found his calling as an author, drawing on life’s experiences for the inspiration for his books.
About the Publisher:
DS Productions (DSP) is a leader in Western fiction with a strong catalogue of authors and Western novels. DSP has consistently placed their authors inside the top one hundred and is also known for taking new authors and turning them into a success using their sales formula. Their personalized, winning publishing techniques have made them one of the leading publishers in Western-themed fiction.
Please contact Kaitlyn Ferraro, Executive Assistant at DSP, for more information:
Oct 08
How Those Western Sales Keep Pouring In For Texas’s Own Gene Turney!
There goes Gene Turney with another slam-dunk-smash hit heading up the bestseller chart. There’s a pace at which Turney moves, and that pace has allowed the sunlight of success to shine down on him. His latest smash hit Mountain Man bestseller is called “Mountain Man vs. Grizzly” and it’s sitting pretty, high on the charts—and guess what? He has a new one on the way.

If you were to add a dictionary definition for Western bestseller to this article, it would read something like the story of Turney’s success. A writer who always had the burning ambition to create at a pace. When the formula for selling was applied, his creations have made him one of the most consistent hitmakers in the genre. Throw in promotion, publicity and a little true grit, and you’ve got yourself a real deal success story.
Now everyone knows what the selling formula is—I’ve been banging on about it for months as I watch those Westerns keep selling and selling. Write fast, write well, and write especially with the Western audience in mind lie at the heart of this formula, and these elements mix with the kind of advertising used to create a supernova of sales. You see, the formula was developed to enable this new level of success for Westerns, and Western authors combine this with “Westernization,” the policy of writing Westerns for Western readers—not writing Westerns to try to appeal to the fringe markets so many authors and publishers are desperately seeking—so you can create a long-lasting spray of hits that will cover the walls of the top one hundred.
Now, we all know it’s the writing that keeps the readers, and it’s the formula that brings the readers in, but there’s something else we haven’t discussed yet. Do you know what it is? No? Well, let me tell you. The ingredient we ain’t discussed yet is organization. You see, when I asked Gene if he wanted to be a great Western success, I told him he would need to keep pace and release his books to schedule. Gene, through fire, wind and rain, kept that pace, and he has been inside the top one hundred with at least one of his many books for something over a year now.

Consistency, organization, hard work, grit, and pace have made his books reader favorites. Now, you, the author who is trying to sell your books. I’m going to ask you the same questions I asked Gene back when we started. When he and I talked about the sales formula, he asked me if I thought he had what it took. I said I believed he did. When I asked the questions, he had his own answers that sent us down the path to success—you’ll have your answers, too.
Can you see how the formula would help sell your Western stories to readers?
Are you interested in selling Westerns?
Do you think you ought to start selling Westerns?
If you answer those questions and you are facing YES answers, maybe it’s time for you to consider trying the formula. Do you think you’d like to try the formula?
Heck, if you want to discuss the formula, you can send me a note through the form below. I always like hearing from the next Western bestseller.
Oct 05
Three Brand New Releases From Hitmaker Grady Bryant!
With one of the busiest months of 2021 underway, we wanted to let you know about three very special releases from Grady Bryant. Grady is one of our top picks for success in 2022. Not only has he been steadily building a reputation as one of the finest of the new wave of Western authors—he has been producing books at a rate unimaginable to the average author. This month, so far, we have seen three releases from Bryant—three chances for readers to discover this tremendous author and the talent he possesses.

Outlaw Guns To San Jose: A Bounty Hunter Western Adventure (Henry James And Chico Hadley Bounty Hunters Book 1)
A brand new collaboration between Harvey Wood and Grady Bryant
Chico Hadley and Henry James are two bounty hunters who are used to doing it all their own way. When they are forced, by fate, to work together to bring Johnny Pico and his outlaw gang to justice, they must use every ounce of their combined experience to complete their mission successfully. Chico Hadley and Henry James might have differing opinions, differing views of their job, but no two men are better with a gun in their hands. With these two travelling across the West to bring law and order to the wilderness—you know sparks will fly! You can grab your copy by visiting Amazon.

Mountain Man Of Mystery Canyon
The latest standalone Western adventure from Grady Bryant!
When notorious outlaw Cal Cook is wounded during a bank robbery, he retreats up in the Guadalupe Mountains to recoup where he finds a young Apache Indian boy who has been banished from his tribe. The Indian nurses the outlaw back to life and tells him about a mysterious canyon that no white man has seen. The outlaw’s only wish now is to live in the mountains and be left alone. The last robbery he committed, the sheriff that chased him up in the mountains stole one of the money bags and left Cal for dead. Rumor is the mountain man who lives in the Guadalupes is the outlaw the sheriff thought he killed. Now after many years, the sheriff wants to be sure Cal is dead to protect the story of his theft of the money he stole.
Chico Hadley the bounty hunter also heard about the mountain man and believes he is the bandit who he has tracked for years and never been able to catch. Someone has to reach the mountain man first and make the decision on what to do—bring him back to civilization, kill him or let him live in the mysterious canyon. You can buy your copy by visiting Amazon.

Valley Of The Damned: A Western Horror Novel
A brand new Western horror adventure from Grady Bryant, and his second venture into the horror genre!
A young boy, Antonio Garcia, runs away from his father’s ranch, which has been in the family for years. He joins a circus consisting of displays of strange objects and freaks of nature. One of these freaks is a Strigoi, an undead vampire named Shiva. He was told she came from a small village in Mexico where she was thought to be a witch. It is said that she was buried alive and dug up by a man who sold her to the circus. The young boy grows fond of her and takes care of her by supplying blood from cattle and sometimes humans. At random times an unsuspecting person could be secretly captured at the circus and fed to Shiva. As Shiva continues to get more demanding in her thirst for human blood, Antonio must do something to stop her.
Sep 23
With C. Wayne Winkle Sitting At Number Three, We Examine His Tremendous Sales Strategy—Inside the Formula For Winkle Western Winners

Lately, I’ve been asked a lot about the strategy behind the selling of so many C. Wayne Winkle Western novels, especially with his brand new release, “A Hunt To The Death,” at #8 on the bestseller chart, and “Contract For A Killer” sitting at #3. Now, Mister Winkle has always been an incredibly popular Western author. This has been proven time and time again. His cup has runneth over with success, but recently he has moved into a new stratosphere, a universe that has enabled him to take five of the top ten bestselling positions on the Western bestseller chart. When he decided to follow the DS sales formula, he made it a central point of his writing career. Since that big break to the upper levels, he has been following the formula and creating hits as though there were no tomorrow.
Writing fast, writing well and writing especially with the Western audience in mind lie at the heart of his Western hitmaking excellence, and these elements mix with the kind of advertising used to create a supernova of sales. You see, the formula was developed to enable this new level of success for Westerns, and Western authors combine this with “Westernization,” the policy of writing Westerns for Western readers—not writing Westerns to try to appeal to the fringe markets so many authors and publishers are desperately seeking—so you can create a long-lasting spray of hits that will cover the walls of the top one hundred.
Yes, the formula demands that authors write for the Western market first, second and third, because those are the readers who want the books we have to offer, and those who follow the formula can reap the bounty.
But commitment is the most important thing. Any Western author looking to create this level of success has to ask themselves this…
Can you see how the formula would help sell your Western stories to readers?
Are you interested in selling Westerns?
Do you think you ought to start selling Westerns?
If you answer those questions and you are facing YES answers, maybe it’s time for you to consider trying the formula. Do you think you’d like to try the formula?
How do these questions look when you answer them? Remember this, friend, it takes a lot longer to build a school than it does to build a wood hut, but the right blueprint can save you a lot of time. Heck, if you want to discuss the formula, you can send me a note through the form below. I always like hearing from the next Western bestseller.
Aug 31
How J.J. Bonham Created Instant Mountain Man Western Success With “Uzziah”

One of the great new contenders on the bestseller charts is called JJ Bonham. His series of tremendous frontier adventures have been catching the attention of readers lately and shows that a brand new author with the true grit to get with the times and promotion of today can see results—and quickly. What is it that sets Bonham apart from the crowd? He writes quickly, he writes well, and he makes sure that his stories have the impact and twists that are like catnip for the readership. What makes for exciting reading is the very essence of the Bonham approach, and his books are finding more readers each day.
And what about the sales strategy?
Cross Sequence Advertising and Category Busting, and the same formula we have discussed so often, have been the name of the game for Bonham. With the ability to push advertising across his books and create a sales chain reaction, it was fun to see his books find their feet and roll toward and into the top one hundred.
As the sales pour in with five of his “Uzziah: Mountain Man” novels inside the top one hundred—one has to ask oneself (if you’re in the shoes of JJ Bonham), “What to do now?” A smart pundit would say keep writing those terrific Mountain Man adventures and give “Uzziah” his due in the court of public opinion. The odds are that the public will continue to give him a resounding vote of confidence.
And this process all started with three very simple questions asked of JJ Bonham when he expressed interest in selling his books. How do those very clear-cut answers stack up when you think about promoting your books?
Can you see how the formula would help sell Bonham Western stories to readers?
For Bonham, it was all a case of knowing that he could envision how the formula and the advertising would work for him. He knew if he followed the steps, he would find himself with success he could build on.
Are you interested in selling Westerns?
I believe if one asked JJ—he would give you a very, very strong answer in the affirmative. He wanted success, and he wanted it to come as fast as possible. It did too!
When do you think you ought to start selling Westerns?
Well, after false starts and false beginnings, he wanted to get to grips and sell his books. He did everything he could do, but he needed a way forward and his way forward came when he followed the formula. He wanted to sell from the very start, and when asked if he should start selling Westerns, he said, “Yes. I want to sell right now.” This is important. Keep in mind people don’t always want success as badly as they may say they do. The right mindset is half the success.

And how about you? Do you think you’d like to try the formula? How do these questions look when you answer them? Remember this, friend, it takes a lot longer to build a school than it does to build a wood hut—but the right blueprint can save you a lot of time.
Now, if you have any questions or ideas you would like to discuss, my door is always open. Like a hawk, I’m always around plotting the next promotional step, watching the bestseller chart, tweaking ads and putting together new ideas. Just send me a note and let’s brainstorm together. Either way, the opportunity to succeed is yours.
Aug 18
Gaining Sales Ground Using The Formula For Western Success With Mike Mackessy

With the formula for success in full swing—I thought it would be an excellent idea to visit one of the latest authors, and one of the most successful of past years, who has been finding great success with our stairway to sales. Yes, you guessed it, we are discussing “Rory: Mountain Man and Longhunter” from Mike Mackessy— a sensational new series readers have been driven to read. Aa a series with both books currently sitting inside the top twenty, it might be a good idea to perk up your ears, pour a hot cup of coffee, and take note of what Mackessy did to make his books a great success.

With Mike, we knew the product would be forthcoming and would be strong—a mountain man series of exemplary taste. The first book came out and was supported by social media advertising, keywords and mailer promotions. Striking inside the top one hundred, we rolled this book forward, garnering and gathering momentum, making sure we were reaching readers who have loved every single Mackessy release past, present and those who will buy in the future. When the second book was completed, we released it in quick succession and used a mixture of advertising, inter-book promotion, SEO and understanding buyer habits and market flow. In essence, we created a series of products readers would find intriguing, and then we did what was needed to get them seen by readers and make sure the reader had no cause to say no. The result? Both books in this tremendous series now stand inside the top twenty bestseller list on Amazon. The first steps for the formula we put into practice are quite simple. Let’s take a look at the questions we kept in mind…

Can you see how the formula would help sell Mackessy Western stories to readers?
Why, yes. we could. After discussing and learning about the formula and the algorithm, we knew it was something we could work with. We knew that the series would hit readers square in the jaw—and that jaw was waiting to be hit.
Are you interested in selling Westerns?
A resounding yes. Mackessy spent most of 2019, 2020 and early 2021 sitting high on the charts. His books are sellers of mountainous proportions—we just needed to present his new series, push the series, and we knew the formula would do the rest.
When do you think you ought to start selling Westerns?
This is a daily happening for Mr. Mackessy. His books always sell, but for this latest series we tried the new formula to pick up brand new readers. It worked. “Rory: Mountain Man and Longhunter” seems to be the series that readers will spend the rest of this year, next year, and the year after reading as long as they get sequels and stories to fill their minds and time.
And how about you? Do you think you’d like to try the formula? How do these questions look when you answer them? Remember this, friend, it takes a lot longer to build a school than it does to build a wood hut—but the right blueprint can save you a lot of time.
Now, if you have any questions or ideas you would like to discuss, my door is always open. Like a hawk, I’m always around plotting the next promotional step, watching the bestseller chart, tweaking ads and putting together new ideas. Just send me a note and let’s brainstorm together. Either way, the opportunity to succeed is yours.
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