Conventional Thinking vs. Market Research When It Comes To Western Covers, Western Paperbacks And Western Readers

Conventional thinking would have you believe many things about the Western market, or indeed any market, but with the advent of market research, it becomes easier to make decisions that result in the sale of product. Decisions that would not have been made through the use of conventional thinking. You see, more than ever before we have the critical information to make informed decisions about the way we present our product and release our product and market our product. These insider tips have been held closely to the chest of those who market Westerns, but for the first time I thought I would share a few of these concepts with you, the author or the reader.

To begin with one of the great new horizons at two of the leading Western publishing companies has been the market research teams developed to find out what readers really want. This research has been conducted in complete secrecy, and has illuminated the way forward. Their first task was to tackle the problem of covers—what do we now know about Western covers, and the readership?

Unique Covers? Reader Buying Habits Say No.

While the average author wants to believe the readership are drawn to unique covers for each release, the research actually shows this can hinder success. Market research has shown that readers prefer being able to pick out a series based on a certain design. This was proven by D.M. Haggard and William H. Joiner, Jr. earlier this year. They have used the same cover with updated titles for each of the books in their series. The result? Fast climbing new releases as readers recognise the branding.

To test the other side several authors were given unique covers for each book in their series. This was found to blunt the effectiveness of the series. We will continue to mix and match this market research but as of now—similarity sells.

Pace of Release? Too Fast, Too Slow?

The average author believes that the first book in a series must be left alone until it has peaked before a sequel is released. What has been found through market research is that the quicker sequels are released the higher the combined sales are as the reader rips through a series. This is why the 35,000 to 40,000 word release has become so popular. Authors can pour releases out and excite the readership, rather than letting the readership read and wander off to find a new favorite author.

Characters Sell

It was always the belief that it didn’t really matter about your character as long as he was part of the West. This has proven to be untrue. The profession of your character has proven to be either a sales boom or a sales bust. With certain jobs leading the way it makes no sense to go against what the reader wants. Remember if you have given your character an unusual job—you can always turn him into a retired marshal.

The Great Need For Paperbacks

“Readers want paperbacks,” I was told once by an author with conventional thinking. The fact was that when readers were asked if they preferred paperbacks or kindle books they came back and said paperbacks. Yet, few paperbacks sell. When I scheduled calls with readers to ask about paperbacks they said that although they preferred paperbacks they tended to get Kindle editions. Why? Well, for much the same reason everyone pretends they love the high street—they didn’t want to go against the herd and herd thinking says paperbacks are great. The reality is paperbacks are useful but Kindle books are where the action is, and market research says clearly that more, and more readers are getting kindles to read their books on. Who can blame them? You don’t have to store your books, you can increase the font size and the kindle library is quite amazing in both depth and stature.

And there you have market research displayed against conventional thinking. While the argument will continue for some time about the best ways to present product to the readership—the readership will always buy what it wants from the privacy of their own home and castle.

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Western Author Peter Alan Turner Appears On Pepper Stewart’s Show!

Peter Alan Turner, bestselling Western author, recently made an appearance on Pepper Stewart’s popular show to talk about Western novels, and his tremendously successful “Chet Henderson” series. Pepper Stewart is a popular host on the Farm & Ranch TV network. Click here to view his interview on episode 128.

His Cup Runneth Over With Sales Success: The Strategy Behind C. Wayne Winkle Taking Over The Bestseller Chart

Lately, I’ve been asked a lot about the strategy behind the selling of so many C. Wayne Winkle Western novels. Now, Mister Winkle has always been an incredibly popular Western author. His cup has runneth over with success, but recently he has moved into a new stratosphere, a universe that has enabled him to take five of the top ten bestselling positions on the Western bestseller chart. When he decided to follow the DS sales formula, he made it a central point of his writing career.

Writing fast, writing well and writing especially with the Western audience in mind lie at the heart of his Western hitmaking experience, and these elements mix with the kind of advertising used to create a supernova of sales. You see, the formula was developed to enable this new level of success for Westerns, and Western authors combine this with “Westernization,” the policy of writing Westerns for Western readers—not writing Westerns to try to appeal to the fringe markets so many authors and publishers are desperately seeking—so you can create a long-lasting spray of hits that will cover the walls of the top one hundred.

Yes, the formula demands that authors write for the Western market first, second and third, because those are the readers who want the books we have to offer, and those who follow the formula can reap the bounty.

But commitment is the most important thing. Any Western author looking to create this level of success has to ask themselves this…

Can you see how the formula would help sell your Western stories to readers?
Are you interested in selling Westerns?
Do you think you ought to start selling Westerns?

If you answer those questions and you are facing YES answers—maybe it’s time for you to consider trying the formula. Do you think you’d like to try the formula?

How do these questions look when you answer them? Remember this, friend, it takes a lot longer to build a school than it does to build a wood hut—but the right blueprint can save you a lot of time. Heck, if you want to discuss the formula, you can send me a note through the form below. I always like hearing from the next Western bestseller.

A Bright, Shining Duo Return With One Explosive Western Adventure…

Events in the Western book business come along at a fast pace… but this new release from Cherokee Parks and Casey Nash must rate as one of the events of the year so far. Two tremendous bestsellers, writing together with two characters from two separate successful series, put together to fight together in one brand new Western adventure.

You may want to grab a copy of this one. I believe these super-group co-writes will be one of the hallmarks of Western success of tomorrow.

Two Stars Are Better Than One

Surviving life on the Texas frontier was already hard for farmers, merchants, and ranchers doing their best to scratch out a living for their families and stay six feet above ground at the same time. Drought, sickness, and blizzards made it difficult enough. Add to the mix hardened criminals dead set on stealing, killing, and staining the ground with blood everywhere they rode, and you begin to get a real picture of the Old West.

In Two Stars Are Better Than One, two Texas lawmen, Sheriff Matthew Kincaid of Sherwood and U. S. Marshal Jubal Stone of Waco, along with a slew of other officers, join forces to end a rustling ring that’s decimating many ranchers across their state.

This is an action-packed, fast-moving story that’s got more twists and turns than the railroad tracks laid across the Texas frontier. It is sure to grab your attention from page one to the finish. Watch as Matthew Kincaid and Jubal Stone partner together to bring the rustlers to heel and their rustling to a halt.

Grab your copy today from Amazon!

Formula Success Leads Your Way To Success With Western Novels

What is a formula without success stories? Where do we start today? We stand in an exciting spot. Just as we were talking about a few weeks ago, C. Wayne Winkle leads a forward-marching army of authors currently building stacks of sales, month upon month, on the back of the formula for success that we have pushed into action. With more and more authors, titles and series getting caught up in the groundswell of success, it has been noted that those who follow the formula have themselves become a powerbase within the genre. My prediction is that this powerbase will continue to keep growing as more readers discover the well-oiled machine of authors who have become part of the rhythm and the fabric of their fellow readers’ daily routine. You see, once you get caught up in the formula, you know that your books will be read, and for some people, this in itself is the reward. For others, the reward is knowing that they have a roadmap that will take them successfully towards the end goal—to be a selling author. Wheels must turn, never stopping the action and moving forward without fear or faltering step are the rules of the formula.

After talking to readers, the formula was developed to give them exactly what they have asked for; after all, are we not all here to give the Western reader the stories he wants? “Westernization” is the policy of writing Westerns for Western readers—not writing Westerns to try and appeal to the fringe markets so many authors and publishers are desperately seeking. The formula demands that authors write for the Western market first, second and third, because those are the readers who want the books we have to offer.

The formula, alongside a policy of Westernization, are revolutionizing the Western genre. March was another record-breaking month, the month where the formula started to truly take shape and yield great results for the authors who follow its promising path. Now, many of you have attended my webinars and know the makeup of the formula and its demand that all Western authors make gains month on month. All who have undertaken moving towards greater Western success have gotten closer in March and now the question is this: Which authors will break out in April and become the new success stories?

All you have to ask yourself is this…

Can you see how the formula would help sell your Western stories to readers?

Are you interested in selling Westerns?

When do you think you ought to start selling Westerns?

If you answer those questions and you are facing YES answers—maybe it’s time for you to consider trying the formula. Do you think you’d like to try the formula? How do these questions look when you answer them? Remember this, friend, it takes a lot longer to build a school than it does to build a wood hut—but the right blueprint can save you a lot of time. Heck, if you want to discuss the formula, you can send me a note through the form below. I always like hearing from the next Western bestseller.

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A Story Of Western Success Laid Bare: An Interview With Number One Bestseller C. Wayne Winkle

One of the most popular Western authors of today—Wayne Winkle doesn’t often give interviews but we coaxed him to give us some answers that may explain some of the factors behind his great success. To understate the success of Wayne Winkle is to make a mistake of huge proportions. Each new release finds itself inside the top ten in record time, and he has created a string of bestsellers as high as an elephant’s eye, and now we will put the questions to him.

Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Wayne. Let me start by asking you this. What was it that first drove you to write a Western novel?

I grew up watching Westerns on TV and loved them. I think that’s what got me started thinking about writing, although it was likely an unconscious thing back then. After getting older and getting my career as a psychologist working, I started thinking more about writing because I’ve always liked to write. It seemed natural that the first good novel I wrote would be a Western. I’d tried writing other genres, but they just didn’t feel right. Westerns felt, and still feel, right to me.

Interesting. How long did it take you to write that first book?

As best I can remember (keep in mind I’m getting to be an old fart and my memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be), the first Western, ONE LAST CHASE, took me probably six months to write. I did a lot of research before starting it.

What was your first experience of the West?

Well, now, that depends. If you consider six weeks at Ft. Sill, OK, in the middle of the summer an experience in the West, then that’s what it was. However, I like to think about my first real experience of the West as my first trip to Santa Fe. I immediately fell in love with the country out there. That was later, probably in the 1990s. There are a lot of other places in the West I want to visit.

Big question. How did you approach releasing your book? What avenues did you research?

For the first novel, I looked into self-publishing and immediately shied away from that. I’m not a salesman and don’t really like selling myself. Basically, I’m an introvert. I then found a publisher in Australia who took care of everything other than really basic marketing. That first attempt didn’t go so well as far as sales are concerned. I’m really glad I found DS Productions and my publicist, Nick Wale.

Did you approach writing a Western for revenue, or for relaxation, or both?

I think with the first novel I wrote for my own enjoyment with the hope of some revenue. Now, I write for both relaxation and revenue. As hard as the work of writing can be, it still is enjoyable and at least a little relaxing.

How did you commit yourself to writing? Was it hard for you to sit down daily and write?

Once I got really started writing, it has not been difficult to sit down and write every day. In fact, if I don’t write something every day, I get a little antsy. I approach writing now as my profession, one in which I don’t feel like I’m working because I enjoy it so much. It’s hard for me not to write.

Do you feel the Western is strongest now—or has it still got a way to go to match its heyday?

I think Westerns still have a way to go to reach where they were in popularity in the 1940s and 50s, but they’re gaining in popularity again. In my opinion, that’s because people find themselves in a world where so many things are unclear regarding morals and behaviors. Being able to escape in a good Western where there are usually pretty clear good guys and bad guys brings them some relief. I think, too, there are still a lot of people out there who like to see bad guys get what’s coming to them. And Westerns are a good platform for teaching basic morals that aren’t always taught clearly now.

Where did the idea come from for your latest series?

I really don’t know. I spend quite a bit of time inside my own head (scary as that may be) doing ‘what if’ thinking. Sometimes, that starts me thinking about a potential character or scenario. Other times, ideas just seem to pop into my head, and they take off. That seems to be where the NATHAN GAGE and GIDEON PARNELL characters came from.

What kind of stories do you feel are most popular with the readership?

That seems to go in cycles. Right now, a lot of people seem to be buying books about lawmen and bounty hunters. That probably will change at some time in the future.

Do you enjoy a feeling of kinship with the Western writing community?

I think the Western writing community is growing quickly. That’s a good thing, even if it means more competition. It spurs me to write better. So, I think the answer to the question is yes, I do feel kinship with the other Western writers. I love to see the kinds of plots and situations other writers come up with in their books. I love to see other writers do well, also, even if it means I have to work a little harder to keep up with them.

How long did it take for you to break through? Was it overnight? Was it a longer process?

I don’t think there is any overnight breakthrough in any genre. Those overnight successes you read about probably had a lot of unsuccessful books before the one that really took off. That was the way it happened for me. A lot of less successful books went out before the ones that started selling well.

What would you say the lesson was from your experience?

There have been many lessons for me. One was to do the research and get things right. Readers are sharp and will pick out anything that isn’t historically or logically correct. Another lesson for me was to take my time. In the past, my desire to get things accomplished sometimes caused me to rush them and not do my best. Another lesson: listen to those who know the market and write what readers want to read. Maybe the most valuable lesson: don’t give up! Keep writing and improving, no matter who well you’re doing right now. There’s always something you can do better.

How would you approach it differently if you were to repeat it today?

If I were able to start over, I’d start writing a lot sooner than I did. Regarding the lessons listed above, I would keep all of them firmly in mind and not forget them.

What would your advice be to a brand new author about the process of becoming a Western seller?

Remember you want to be a professional. That means keeping your readers in mind as you write, choosing the best words to get your story across, and making sure what you write is accurate. Do the best you can, understanding that not everyone is going to like what you write all the time. There are readers out there who probably know more than you do about the time and culture you’re writing about. They’re going to pick up on inaccuracies. Read your reviews and learn from them. At the same time, you need to develop a thick skin. Stay humble!

Thank you, Wayne.

You are very welcome!

Wayne Winkle stands at number one with “Gideon Parnell: The Beginning.” A perfect way to end this interview.

The Loud Message That Sent C. Wayne Winkle To Number One On The Bestseller List. Have You Heard It?

The real beauty of a number one Western is not really sales or the acclaim, it’s the knowledge that the Western readership has the clout and the influence to send one of their chosen reads to the top of the bestseller chart. It sends a message to the world. That message in a bottle says, “We like this book and we want to see it as the number one book.” Messages, as you all know, are very important. The louder the message, the more we take notice of that message. When C. Wayne Winkle hit the number one position with “Gideon Parnell: The Beginning,” it was a message—and one that said how much readers enjoyed that book, series and author. You see, it’s that kind of message that makes us all committed to making sure readers around the world are given the very best Westerns to read, and that’s why we believe Westerns can be successful for the author who wishes to please the readership.

The ‘formula’ you keep hearing about is a form of message too. It’s a clear indication to the reader that we understand what they have been telling us. We understand what they say they would like, and we are committed to giving the reader what they want. Because of the symbiotic relationship all authors and readers have, it’s important to make sure everyone is on the same side.

“Gideon Parnell: The Beginning” hit all the right notes. The right cover, the right advertising, the right approach. It is a book written to the sales formula. But C. Wayne Winkle isn’t the only one who has been turning out gold using this approach. Far from it. Over the last few months, after implementing the recipe, we were faced with brand new number one bestsellers from Mike Mackessy, D.M. Haggard, and a multitude of top-notch, high-quality top twenty bestsellers from Harvey Wood, Scotty V. Casper, Gene Turney, Charles Ray, Robert Hanlon, Ken E. Consaul and many others. The list could go on forever—but who has time for that? The way readers have reacted to these books shows us that the message has been heard loud and clear, and they want more. I have often mentioned the NEW WAVE. Well, this is a wave that will continue to keep rolling against the rocks and will continue to keep pleasing readers. Everything is done to the formula. The tried and tested always wins out, and now you have to ask yourself—are you ready to use the formula to sell more of your own books?

What is the formula? What is the recipe? Well, friends and neighbors, perhaps you and I need to have a chat. As we move into the new year, I am sure we will find ourselves face-to-face having a conversation anyway. There’s no way to ignore the fact that readers need new stories, and if you have a story for them, you may want to sit yourself down, look at the formula, and sell a few copies of your book. It’s only fair that a reader gets the chance to discover you, the author, and vice-versa. Overall, 2020 was a dynamic and exciting sales year for Westerns, and I believe with the rules that have been proven to stand true, we will repeat the same for 2021.

If you are interested in learning the formula, why don’t you drop me a note below? During this Easter season, it’s always a good time to yell over to your neighbor and say ‘Howdy!’ Well, I’m yelling over to you. Howdy, friend!

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Correction To An Earlier Blog: C. Wayne Winkle Strikes At NUMBER ONE with “Gideon Parnell: The Beginning” Using The Formula!

It didn’t take long!

Dear Friends,

C. Wayne Winkle has just scored the latest number one bestseller for DSP! Just a few minutes ago I finished article talking about his tremendous ascent and here he stands. The NUMBER ONE Western author. This is the latest DSP release promoted with the ‘Nick Wale’ hit formula to reach the very top of the bestseller chart. Congratulations, Wayne! Let’s see who is the next one to hit the top spot!

Stick with the formula and it’ll be you at number one!

C. Wayne Winkle Lands At Number Two With “Gideon Parnell: The Beginning”

Sitting at number two on the bestseller chart… C. Wayne Winkle is heading for the top spot with “Gideon Parnell: The Beginning.” How long will it take for him to reach the pinnacle of success with his latest blockbuster?

Gideon Parnell and his half-brother, Joshua, survive the Civil War and return home to find their home burned. Gideon also discovers his intended didn’t wait for him as she said she would, but decided to marry a Yankee officer. With no desire to stay around her, he decides to go West. Joshua joins him and the two decide to gather up some wild Texas cattle and make a drive to market in Kansas. Along the way, an incident occurs that sets them on a totally different career path: bounty hunting. Grab your copy today!

The Formula Strikes Again With The Latest C. Wayne Winkle Winner Inside The Top One Hundred!

When the DSP selling formula is at play, you can’t keep a great Western off the bestseller chart. Take “Gideon Parnell: Chase Across New Mexico” for example, from C. Wayne Winkle. This new release is currently flying off the shelves, and in two days the novel has hit the jackpot. It won’t be long before this one figures inside the top ten, and from there it could very, very well be his latest number one in a long line of number one bestsellers. Congratulations, Wayne!

Looking for more wanted men to capture, Gideon, Tallie, and Joshua travel to New Mexico. In Albuquerque, they set on the trail of Boyce Hudson, a murderer and horse thief. When they catch up to him, they find out his Daddy wants him back and not in jail.

Bribery, attempts at murdering Gideon, and beating Tallie follow. All at the senior Hudson’s orders. This latter sends Gideon on the way to tell Hudson’s father where he went wrong.

Along the way, Joshua gets so angry at Gideon that he leaves him and says he no longer is his half-brother.

Can Gideon deal with the army of gun hands the senior Hudson keeps around him? Or will the bad guys win this time?

Why don’t you go on over to Amazon and grab yourself a copy of this tremendous new smash from one of the most bankable Western authors on the scene!