Thank You For Your Submission: Satalyte Publishing

satalyteHow many times have you submitted your manuscript to a publisher and never heard back? I hear all kinds of horror stories about publishers who want payment upfront, publishers who want you to pay for editing, promotion and publishers who just don’t seem to know the way the game works. However, the light at the end of the tunnel does exist. It comes in the form of a vigorous, young publishing team hungry for HIT BOOKS… Now, that’s something we don’t hear about very often in the book world.

Stephen Ormsby of Satalyte Publishing is one of the new boys. The entire mission statement of Satalyte is about making books sell! Not just getting you as a writer to fork out cash for upfront fees, editing costs and then slamming you with a clause that says you have to buy copies upfront to float the whole operation.

Now, Satalyte started as an outlet to push Australian authors across the world. I happen to know that Satalyte are now taking submissions from all over the world. “I just knew it was time to reach out to all those authors with hits in other countries,” Stephen Ormsby told me. “It was time to take them on and get all those fresh ideas under the Satalyte umbrella.”

What do you need to be a Satalyte author? A strong story, a desire to be part of something new and a willingness to be a part of something so new, so cutting edge…

“Satalyte is going to change the whole publishing world,” Ormbsy explained. “We are going to proof, edit and promote our authors onto every Kindle, bookshelf and into every bookshop we can lay our hands on.”

More importantly, Satalyte are looking to change the way publishers look at their products. The biggest failing in the publishing world right now is small thoughts, small ideas. Satalyte want to be big and they will get there. It’s time for you to open that manuscript, finish it off and submit it so the publishers who WILL get back to you can promote your talent and make writing pay again.

Hard words? Well, I happen to know these guys are going places.

You can submit to Stephen directly right now… Go ahead! Make his day… stephen (@)

If you want to go through the usual publishing process you can visit their website right here; but you really don’t have to be gun shy. Talk to the man himself! Stephen Ormsby is a guy you will hear more and more about as Satalyte grows, and I think he may well be the best thing that ever happened to our industry.

What are you waiting for?

1 comment

  1. if its not highly commercial guys, don’t bother writing it!