The Name Is Bond… Carol Bond!

Carol Bond (who writes under the pseudonym Ellen Mae Franklin) is considered to be the fairy godmother of writers. She runs a very popular blog with a sole purpose of interviewing the best writers around. Now, some may say she is a rival, but I don’t see it that way. We both have our own clients! Carol is also a talented writer, and I asked her to come and interview with Novel Ideas. I have previously been a guest on her blog and loved the experience. She is a true gem in the sea that is the writing world.

Q) Hi, Carol! So how does it feel to finally be published? Are you still buzzing?

Carol Bond (aka Ellen Mae Franklin)

Carol Bond (aka Ellen Mae Franklin)

A) Yes! I was ecstatic to have completed The Unseen Promise after all these years.

Q) I have to ask, I know you are a great singer! So, why did you choose writing? What drove you into the zany world of writers?

A) I have always been a reader, ignoring the shout of ‘Lights Out’ and have a book to this day in tow no matter where I am. Writing was not forefront in my mind, but I had an idea a decade ago. I thought about it and tapped the keys, not sure where it would lead and here I am. A self-confessed Indie Author.

Q) Are you proud to be an Indie or do you think traditional publishing is still the way forward?

A) A good question. I think to be traditionally published is now down to luck. The big six [publishing houses], although still having a sway in the marketplace, are not necessarily the way to go anymore. The way has been opened for any and all to publish now. Genres are expanding and, as a result of this, those who wish to walk the road of self-publishing are now faced with an enormous amount of work outside of the writing process. I like the choices of being an Indie, for my work remains unpolluted.

 Q) Do you believe an independently published book stands a good chance of being a bestseller?

 A) Absolutely. There are many out in the world I am sure who began on a small scale, thinking that if they sold a few copies it would be enough. It only takes a book to go viral in our electronic world, having one of those big six take a second look for you to become more than just Indie. Luck plays its part again in becoming a bestseller I think.

Q) Luck seems to play a big part in anything one does in life. Do you consider yourself lucky? Well… Do you? (laughs)

A) In many ways, I am lucky. Through connecting with a fellow Australian author I was introduced to GMTA Publishing and received a contract. Though, my book and the artwork I procured for myself is testament to the story I am telling.

 unseenpromiseQ) So, tell me about The Unseen Promise. What is the story about? C’mon! I need to know more!

 A) Shall I give you a short synopsis? I work in the genre of Fantasy, writing classical story plots. Imagination is the key for my tales. This is my story in a nutshell: Set on the world Tarkeenia, the story marks the struggle between God and man, magic and indefinable evil.

 Roedanth wants his brother back. It doesn’t matter that the boy is dead; the young copper apprentice can’t seem to stop wishing. Tainted by the magic of the Dark God – Drakite– tragedy and pain follows Roedanth, from Crows Nest to the Halls of Coowic, where the Magi live.

 Tarkeenia is awash with life – man and beast live side by side. Monsters hunt the shadows looking for a bite to eat. The tip of balance between dark and light, good and evil is tenuous, even on a good day. Flesh eating Specks turn the living into dust, and the world is no longer safe. Murrdocks are a child’s story, woven tales told to enchant and incite fear. Their King lays dying, and Prince Pec having no choice, must turn myth into reality.

Strangers become friends, out of necessity more than compatibility, for survival takes on the order of the day. Uneasy alliances are tainted by betrayal and self gain, and unlikely heroes emerge to salvage what they can from a world on the brink of chaos.

Everyone strives to make do in a world bubbling with wild magic, working to remain true to their Calling, as the lives of man and monster hang in the balance, subject to the whims of Gods. Can Tarkeenia survive the tug and pull of the very spoilt, and the very wicked? Can those lost to the dark find a way back to the light? Is it possible to forget, or to forgive and begin again? All these questions and more are answered as the reader walks Tarkeenia’s many paths.

Q) WOW, it sounds fascinating! How did you enjoy the experience of writing it? It must have been a page turner for you as a writer. Such a driven story!

A) I loved every minute of it, even the bad bits. It has encouraged me to continue writing and now, that I have it all in full swing, I will continue to do so. I am not keen at all on changing genres, for Fantasy is my love and will always be.

Q) What would you say are the worst bits of the book writing process?

A) The distractions from the outside world. I do not consider that there are any bad moments in writing, unless you consider editing to slot into that category. So, if I had to choose, it would be editing.

Q) Yes, Lori (my editor here at Novel Ideas), can attest to that. Do you think all writers need a good editor?

A) Absolutely. Every written piece of work should go to a professional. I find it frustrating that as part of the Indie movement anyone can upload a piece of written work and click publish.

I think that it is important to be able to stand by your work proudly, and that means having an editor sweep over it.

Q) With such an exciting career going on, what is next for you?

A) I have three projects on the go, including the sequel to The Unseen Promise titled It’s Not the Bite That Kills You.

Q) What a great title! Can you tell me a little about that one?

A) Not yet! You will have to wait for it! I am also co-writing with Pete Emmerson, an author from the UK, on a new fantasy series titled Un-named. I am a co-founder of an Australian group of writers and we are working on short stories for anthologies. These stories are all Australian themed.

I host interviews on a regular basis on my website, as well as admin a couple of Facebook groups. So, hmm, I am not that busy, hey!

Q) You also interview many writers. How do you enjoy that?

A) Not overly – it is part of my marketing plan. I am very new to everything about this industry and wishing to drive traffic towards The Unseen Promise’s website. Author interviews felt the natural course to take.

Q) Well, Carol, I better let you get back to your work! Thank you for a great interview!

 A) My pleasure, Nick!

To connect with Carol Bond/Ellen Mae Franklin regarding The Unseen Promise, email her at

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You may find The Unseen Promise at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, Kobo Books and Sony Ebooks.


  1. I’m expecting a paperback version of ‘The Unseen Promise’ any day in the mail. It was good to read this interview to get a better idea of the story line … I think I love the book already (*-*)

  2. Wonderful interview and really interesting answers Carol. Good luck with all your books and writing. It is a hard long road, but worth it. Wishing you all the best and thanks also to Nick for a great interview too. I hope he will read my interview with you Carol on 9th May over at The Unseen Promise…..:)